Gail has lived in Bend for over 20 years, and is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified in Advanced  Holistic Nursing.  Gail is also a Holy Fire Karuna® Reiki Master and Licensed Massage Therapist.   She became interested in Eden Energy Medicine after attending a seminar featuring Donna Eden and David Feinsten in 2007. She became so impressed with the benefits to her own health that she pursued the professional certification program, which she completed in February 2010.  She has since gone on to complete Year 3 (Clinical Practicum), and Year 4 (Grid and Regression) and is now an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Advanced Practitioner.  She is Faculty for the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program and is also excited to be able to offer the program’s  Foundations classes here in Bend, Oregon. The Foundations classes are the first year of the Certification Program.

Gail’s passion is to empower people to have effective, powerful tools to help improve their health and energy; particularly with our changing conventional health care environment.  Energy medicine has the potential to truly be “preventative”; a concept in short supply in today’s health care challenges.