Emiko Goka-Dubose, MS

Workshop Presentation:

Nurturing Resilience

This workshop focuses on the process of developing resilience, primarily in the context of early childhood education and child care environments, though the concepts are transferrable across disciplines for professionals working with children impacted by trauma.

The workshop includes mini lectures, hands-on activities, and self-reflection activities about how to nurture resilience in children and how we can nurture resilience in ourselves.

The learning objectives are:

  • Examine resilience and how it develops
  • Strengthen strategies to nurture resilience
  • Plan and practice nurturing our own resilience as part of fostering resilience in others


Emiko Goka-Dubose, MS is a Faculty Research Assistant at Oregon State University- Cascades, researching impacts of early childhood trauma. Emiko specializes in trauma-focused individual and family counseling for interpersonal violence and sexual abuse survivors. She received her Master’s in Counseling in Clinical Mental Health from Portland State University and is currently a counseling doctoral student at Oregon State University.

Emiko has over 15 years of direct service experience working with under-served families and children exposed to co-occuring violence, including community, interpersonal, and child physical and sexual abuse. Emiko’s current research focuses on use of culture to strengthen sense of self and resilience among marginalized populations.