Ashley Brothers

Workshop Presentation:

Alchemy of Consciousness – The Science of Transforming the Soul

Energy is never created or destroyed. It is only transformed.

What if you could learn how to use the technology of the mind, body and soul to manifest the life you want? What if you could transform trauma and suffering into wisdom and power simply by mastering your own consciousness?

Discover the intelligence that created your body and learn how to use ancient and modern techniques to connect, communicate and interact with it to change your reality. You are a quantum being of infinite power, gifts and possibilities.

Pain, illness, and trauma are just programs that you don’t have to run anymore. Take back your power, health and wellbeing by learning how to be the programmer of your own destiny. Become a living prayer.


Ashley Brothers is the founder, teacher and healer of the Institute Of Conscious Evolution. She has seen and heard spirits, and had strong premonitions, since she was a baby, but she never knew how to intentionally call upon her gifts until her formal training began in 2004.

Since then, Ashley has traveled throughout the United States, and other countries throughout the world, to learn multicultural techniques in shamanism, energy medicine, and divination. This work has not only changed her life, but saved it many times when modern medicine left her to die. With the assistance of her helping spirits and allies,

Ashley was able to overcome PTSD from over 20 years of abuse, but also cure a terminal disease, seizures and strokes in her own body. Ashley primarily specializes in helping others heal from severe abuse, trauma, illness and neglect.

Ashley provides healing sessions and intuitive readings in person or long-distance throughout the globe via skype. Intent on empowering others, Ashley has also created a curriculum based on what she considers the most efficient and powerful methods of all her teachers in shamanic journeying, chakra cleansing and illumination, extraction, compassionate spirit release, soul retrieval, spiritual counseling, mediumship, divination and dying consciously.

Ashley’s passion and intention is to provide the best of her education and experience for personal or professional healing, growth, evolution and empowerment. The epic journey back to your true self begins here.


Bones of the Earth