Jessica Graham Robinson

Workshop Presentation:

Empowering Our Collective Healing – An Ayurvedic Perspective on Modern Life + Trauma + Holistic Healing

In a world where we are over-scheduled, over-stimulated, and overwhelmed, our modern-day lives aren’t very conducive to healing, but fortunately, as humans, we are wired to HEAL!

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian “science of life” has much to teach us about holistic healing. One of the ways that we go way off track is by conforming to the arbitrary systems of our culture that tell us to prioritize external productivity and social structure over our own inner wisdom, the intelligence of the body, and the natural cycles of life.

In this interactive lecture, Jessica Graham Robinson will share timely tools and practices for ALL humans to improve the ability to heal from all kinds of trauma and to make new patterns in our daily lives that support continued growth, sustainability, and true health — inside and out.


Jessica Graham Robinson is a modern-day medicine woman, on a mission to overthrow deceptive mainstream conventions by bringing ancient and modern Truth to the people and empowering them with the tools for awakening and navigating their path of whole healing.

Jessica is an Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Yoga Teacher, and owner of Sacred Space Healing Arts in Bend, Oregon where she works holistically with individuals in order to discover the root cause of physical and emotional dis-ease, in order to help them live a more balanced, authentic life of deeper meaning and purpose. You can read more about Jessica and her work at