Stania Krumal Sestak

From Atheist Doctor in Natural Sciences in Geophysics to I AM Presence…I AM THAT I AM.

Breakout Session 2 – Sunday, May 2nd at 10:15 am

Stanislava Krumal Sestak was born in 1960 in Czechoslovakian Socialistic Republic-ČSSR. Raised and educated all-the-way, ‘free’, by the communist government, to be sent to Siberia and Mongolia as a specialist. She lived there through 1989, and both of her sons were born there. After several years living in Egypt, India, and Oman, the young family of four came to the USA. to Texas without much English, and for Stania, it was the beginning of a very new and different path direction.

While learning English and America, a young Slavic woman began to follow her heart..which took her through massage into discovering many more energy fields and systems than she ever heard of in geophysics. That was her first step from materialism to the energetic understanding of life that helped her to find and understand her personal freedom.

And from there her heart mysteriously (as always) took her into conscious language, with which she truly fell in love…the importance and power of our words. With that Dr. St’s heart has opened to the magic of the word of Scriptures…and took her To ‘I AM’ Presence…Understanding of our ‘BEing’.

About Stania Krumal Sestak

Dr. Stania had her own practice in Houston, TX for 17 years, until floods of hurricane Harvey that ‘flushed’ her and her man all the way to Central Oregon. And these days she shares all of these skills and understanding through her new practice.

‘Your FairyGodMother’s – EnergyMassage & Coaching. Personally in Central Oregon and For Her ‘MotherLand’ on Radio and Sessions on Skype or ZOOM.